Bakhvi 1 HPP Project development plans

07 July, 2022


Mr. Mikheil, first of all, congratulations on obtaining the environmental permit.

- Thank you very much. I would like to take this opportunity to thank all the people involved in this process - our employees, the residents of Mtispiri and Chkhakaura, the non-governmental sector, representatives of local government agencies, and the media. An unprecedented unity and involvement has been demonstrated for the Bakhvi 1 Project. I am glad that we have a lot of support from the local population.

What is the current situation in the company and what type of work are you currently involved in?

- As you have already mentioned, currently the project has received an environmental permit, on which our team worked tirelessly for several months together with international and European experts. We have done a lot of work. We worked absolutely transparently during the process. Throughout the year, we met once a month in the format of an advisory board with the board members and briefed them about the ongoing developments, listened to different opinions and in some cases took into account recommendations. We held a number of meetings with representatives of the local non-governmental sector. It is worth noting that the project was changed based on their recommendation, we invited European scientists and environmental recommendations and social program were developed, which are absolutely adapted to local needs. While working on the social program, we held dozens of meetings with the residents of the villages near the project, in Mtispiri community and Chkhakaura. It was these activities and mutual dialogue that led to the success of the project. Currently, the project is expecting a construction permit. We are working on getting the permit with our technical team. It should be noted that on technical matters our team cooperated with the world-renowned company AFRY. We are also developing an action plan, based on the recommendations received from international and local experts, in order to implement all mitigating impacts in order to ensure that the project is safe both in terms of environmental impact and labor safety, both in the construction and operational stages.

What are the specific challenges you are facing right now?

- We have passed through a difficult period, but now we are at an equally difficult and responsible phase. As you know, it is much easier to make promises, but it is difficult to keep them. Yes, we must honorably fulfill all the promises made to the state, as well as to non-governmental organizations and the local population, who trusted us and stood by and followed us in this cause. We are now organizing activities so that LLC "CCEH Hydro VI" carries out the activities according to the submitted Environmental Impact Assessment report, technological scheme, mitigation measures of expected environmental impact, including the information contained in the EIA report and additional documentation, actions to mitigate and avoid impacts on biodiversity, environmental monitoring and emergency response plan, findings and recommendations.

How and on what principle are you going to proceed with mitigating measures against deforestation? Trout and its presence in the Bakhvistskal River are also important. We also know that your researchers have seen a salamander that is on the Red List?

- Unfortunately, during the implementation of infrastructure projects, cutting down of trees in a certain area is inevitable. In our case, it is 9 hectares, which we have recorded and published in the EIA document. We have committed to restore not 9, but 20 hectares, which is three times the number of trees we cut down. Any action in the territory of the state forest we coordinate with the forest management authority. We also ensure the removal, storage, use and recultivation of the fertile soil layer during the construction works. Our obligation is also to coordinate the waste management plan with the Ministry. We take responsibility that the flora and fauna in the project area will not be endangered during the works. Also, the construction and operation of the HPP will be carried out in such a way that it will not interfere with the establishment of the Guria National Park planned in this area. As for the ichthyofauna, our planned mitigation measures for brook trout are important. Obviously, we have fish passes included and also have all the systems to ensure that there are no problems with the fish passage in the river; we will also arrange artificial ponds for salamanders, which are on the Red List. This is a brief description of our work, but it is only a part of the extensive list of what we are committed to doing. It is an obligation both to the people to whom we have made commitments, and to ourselves as well. Because, you know, we are citizens of this country. Georgia is our homeland and with the projects we carry out we want and have the ambition to bring good to this country and the people living in this country.



